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Random Acts of Kindness

Lifestyle Random Acts of Kindness

A Little Halloween Fun

October 19, 2017

Halloween is one the most enjoyable days of the year for me. Here lately, I have become so intrigued with Disney female characters that I have chosen one each year to try to recreate and put a smile on my face but on others as well. Mary Poppins was one of my favorites but this year, it has to be Snow White.

I started earlier in the year cruising the websites for the perfect Snow White costume. I purchased this particular costume off of Amazon. Knowing that I did not have the short black hair and not any wig would do, I hit the internet again to find creative ideas or vendors that might have the perfect solution. Etsy was one of many sites that I hit and well, it is starting to become my go to site for accessories that are unique and hard to find.

When my costume came in, I was so thrilled. At the time I ordered it, I was concerned about the sizing. I use to be 100% spot on with regards to guessing my sizes with garments and costumes. Ever since I started fitness training four years ago, I noticed a lot of changes in my body.  I realized that I am no longer an X Small or Small any more. The muscles in my back have grown and filled out wonderfully which makes it hard to fit in some shirts now. I was truly keeping my fingers crossed that this lovely costume would fit!  As I carefully placed it over my head, I did notice it was a little snug around my latissimi dorsi muscles (lats) but overall, it was perfect.

As I swirled around and around in this costume, I kept looking at it as though it was missing something. Of course, it was missing a red antique brooch. I hit my favorite site again and searched vintage red brooches. It was perfect. As each accessory arrived, I would try everything on to make sure it all fit together. The last thing to do was makeup.

As you know, the trend nowadays is makeup. You have seen them. Spoon contouring, perfect eyebrows, and the perfect black cat eye are just a few that are show continuously on Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube. I truly thought that I would be a Pinterest fail. I truly underestimated myself. See, if I took my time, miracles can happen.

Now that the costume was all put together (hair, makeup and all), I shared a picture of myself in full costume with many close friends and my husband to see their reactions. It was a hit and the responses were so kind that I truly couldn’t stop smiling.

But wait, there was one more creative idea in the mist. Maleficient! I retraced all of my steps to create another Disney female character but can I be Maleficient? She does have a very stern face.  Come to find out, I can!

I look forward to sharing my many adventures as Snow White and Maleficent. Who knows, you might see me transform into another Disney character real soon.

What are you going to be for Halloween? Comment and share your costumes. I would love to hear from you.

Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness Cards

June 21, 2017

When was the last time you received a card or letter?

It was probably on your birthday or special event, like an anniversary, wedding or graduation. I don’t know about you, but I love receiving handwritten notes from anyone.

With technology today, yeah, it is easier to just send an email or text, but, for me, it has so much more meaning to having a card or letter delivered via snail mail. It’s personal and something that you can hold onto forever!

So.. Let’s pay it forward together. As I am sitting here writing out my cards, I am asking for you do to the same.

  1. Pick a person. It can be a friend, co-worker or complete stranger.
  2. Pick a card, write a sweet note and ask that person to do the same.
  3. If you want, you can insert a stamped envelope and another card to help them out.
  4. Seal and mail.

This random acts of kindness warms my heart each and every time. I am positive that it will do the same for yours.   Please share your story of kindness by commenting below or private message me. I look forward to hearing from you.


“Nothing can make our lives, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness”  ~ Tolstoy




Random Acts of Kindness

10 Easy Ways of Being Kind

February 28, 2017

Have you ever had someone pay for your coffee?  Held a door open for you? It’s the random act that surprises you and just maybe, makes you smile.

On February 17, 2017, it was Random Acts of Kindness Day! Most people joined in the celebration. However, does it only have to be on a holiday to be kind and to give? I say not. Plus, it doesn’t have to cost a thing to be kind.

Here are some websites that devoted to being kind and inspiring others to do so.

Random Acts of Kindness

Pay it Forward Foundation

Operation Nice

It Starts with Us

One Million Acts of Kindness

Operation Beautiful

Hug Nation

My top ten things to do for random acts are:

  1. Send a positive text or email to my friends. I love using the new BitMoji app on my IPhone.
  2. Pay for someone’s coffee behind me.
  3. Holding a door for someone.
  4. Offer up some free babysitting for that hard working person or couple.
  5. Run an errand for a free. If you are already going to the store they use, ask them if they need anything picked up.
  6. Donate food, blankets or time to charitable organization.
  7. Check in on a elderly neighbor.
  8. Say hello to a stranger and smile.
  9. Write a positive comment on your favorite blog, website or friend’s social media account. 🙂
  10. Be kind to yourself. Please try to forgive your mistakes and tell yourself something positive each day.

If you know of other sites or have some ideas giving kindness, please let me know. Better, yet, What was your random act of kindness for today?