Random Acts of Kindness

10 Easy Ways of Being Kind

February 28, 2017

Have you ever had someone pay for your coffee?  Held a door open for you? It’s the random act that surprises you and just maybe, makes you smile.

On February 17, 2017, it was Random Acts of Kindness Day! Most people joined in the celebration. However, does it only have to be on a holiday to be kind and to give? I say not. Plus, it doesn’t have to cost a thing to be kind.

Here are some websites that devoted to being kind and inspiring others to do so.

Random Acts of Kindness

Pay it Forward Foundation

Operation Nice

It Starts with Us

One Million Acts of Kindness

Operation Beautiful

Hug Nation

My top ten things to do for random acts are:

  1. Send a positive text or email to my friends. I love using the new BitMoji app on my IPhone.
  2. Pay for someone’s coffee behind me.
  3. Holding a door for someone.
  4. Offer up some free babysitting for that hard working person or couple.
  5. Run an errand for a free. If you are already going to the store they use, ask them if they need anything picked up.
  6. Donate food, blankets or time to charitable organization.
  7. Check in on a elderly neighbor.
  8. Say hello to a stranger and smile.
  9. Write a positive comment on your favorite blog, website or friend’s social media account. 🙂
  10. Be kind to yourself. Please try to forgive your mistakes and tell yourself something positive each day.

If you know of other sites or have some ideas giving kindness, please let me know. Better, yet, What was your random act of kindness for today?



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