Health & Fitness Lifestyle

Fitness Journey – Making Time

August 31, 2017

I hear a lot of people ask me this question, “Where do you find the time?

Well, being a stay at home chihuahua mom and blogger, my schedule is very flexible. However, without judgement, I am curious if “no time” is an excuse for some negative experience, lack of motivation, poor body image or for me at times, fear of injury or being “watched” at the gym. I have always believed that if you truly want something; you would fight for it. You make the time and commitment.

Here are a few of my ways that I inspire myself to make fitness a part of my day, everyday.

  1. Plan, Plan and Plan Some More – I write out my schedule for the week. With technology today, I can set reminders on my Iphone and computer.
  2. Find a Partner/Friend – Although at times, I do like training by myself. Sometimes I need a buddy to inspire me to keep going and attain those goals. Cheerleaders are a must so grab a friend and take a fitness class, Zumba, run or weigh train together.
  3. Music – I have created a kick ass playlist to fight through a workout. Pandora and other phone applications have amazing stations to choose from as well. So, create that list to inspire you to cruise through that workout. You would be glad you did!
  4. Home Gym – I have created a small in-expensive gym with free weights, mats and DVDs. If a hiccup is thrown in my schedule and can’t hit the gym, I know that I can walk downstairs to my basement and get some type of work out in. Also, if you can’t afford a gym membership, this is a great alternative as well. It allows you to have a private area where you can move at your own pace and not feel pressured by others or causing yourself any injury.

Exercise is important on so many levels. Please take time out for yourself and improve your health; even if it is one step at a time. Do you have a tip on how to stick to a fitness schedule?  Please email me or comment below.  I would love to hear from ya.


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