Health & Fitness

May is Mental Health Awareness.

May 4, 2021
Mental Health

No one really talks about mental health because its looked down upon by others or society to have a tough day that lingers a little longer than just a one day pity party, having depression, anxiety or a medical diagnosis.

Mind Trash

Mind trash or negative thoughts can spiral out of control. Those thoughts start to take toll on our mind, body and spirit. Our brain starts to believe every single thought to the point it pains our body by not eating, sleeping through the night, triggers rage and uncontrollable crying.


Anxiety can be easy to regulate and not so much for others. Anything from argument to a partner to going to a party can create an anxiety moment which can lead to depression and feeling out of control.

Medical Diagnosis

There are many medical diagnosis such as bipolar disorder, seasonal bipolar disorder, depressive and anxiety disorders that can trigger many other symptoms and take a toll on your mental health.

What can you do?

  1. Reach out to a medical professional to get a well-check. If you haven’t had a medical check up, its time to do it. There may be some physical things going on that might be compounding your feelings and emotions.
  2. Speak with a therapist. They will help you begin to understand how the feelings begin, understand our vulnerabilities, help us recognize how this emotion or behavior is hurtful and devise a plan or give you tools to manage and overcome.

Last but not least…

Prescribe yourself a little Self Care script! Self care can be many things like physical activity (exercise), social (visit friends), and spiritual (nurture your spirit or if religious, go to church service).

Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self preservation.

Adre Lorde

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