
My World of Blogging and More

November 4, 2017

First of all, who would’ve ever thought that I would be trying this thing called blogging. Reaching into the depths of my soul and sharing my thoughts, tips and tricks of dog training, Southern advice and of course, my many adventures with the loves of my life, Meg and Virginia.

The things that I have learned from starting this blog is that opening up into the social media world is extremely hard for a private, Southern girl but exciting all the same. It does take time to create articles that are fun, inviting, uplifting and that inspire thought provoking conversations.

I have been out of the corporate world for 8 months. Being a Stay at Home Chihuahua Mom/Blogger has allowed me to pick and choose my schedule, projects such as personal/corporate service jobs and volunteering and for that, I am grateful. The downside is that there are some days that I have a very hard time motivating myself.  A lot of things crept into my world and distracted me lately. These distractions made me lose focus of what was important, me!  With that said, I have created new goals for myself and I inspire you, my viewers, to do the same.

Health & Fitness

Of course, the most important goal is to take care of myself. Fitness has been the one thing that has been consistent during my life hiccup. I take pride in working out or going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week. However, I have lost about 7 pounds because of stress and now, it’s time to gain the healthy fluff back. It is important to track my food and ensure that I am getting all the necessary nutrients to fuel my body and grow those muscles. Additionally, I will be working with my trainer to set new personal record goals and track my progress.


I truly want to share new thoughts, advice, my rescue spotlights and more at least 3 times a week. I always say, never over promise and under deliver. Again, it’s a goal and well, I will do my darndest to make it happen.

Personal/Corporate Services

I truly love mixing up my day or weeks with creative projects. I am lucky enough to have connections with a variety of people that have been very kind to throw fun and challenging projects my way. It is my goal to reach out a little more and make a little more fun money too.


I am very honored and privileged to be a hospice volunteer. I have done many vigils and got to know some beautiful people this year. It is my goal to connect with other volunteers or resource groups to share my stories of loss and find other ways to give back to my community.

In Closing..

I love being a Stay at Home Chihuahua Mom/Blogger. I am truly grateful for this opportunity. When any hiccups comes my way, I am proud to say that I have such amazing group of people in my life that provide such a support system that I can’t fail.  So, thank you for hanging around while I figure out my new adventure.

Do you have any tips and tricks that keep you motivated? I would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts by commenting below or via email. I would love to hear from you.

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