
Spring is Here!

March 4, 2021
Spring Cleaning

SPRING is here! We love be able to enjoy the warmer weather, open the windows to smell the fresh air and just exhale. Until, we realize the dust bunnies are showing and the clutter is overwhelming our minds.  I have a few tips and tricks that I use when preparing for that Spring cleaning.

Have a Plan!

I usually sit down and write out my list of what I am going to accomplish that day. Since I have a hobbit house, I pick either upstairs or downstairs first.  Shoot, I only have two rooms downstairs so that’s my go to most of the time.

Start Room by Room

Again, I have a hobbit house so it doesn’t take long. I begin with my kitchen, wipe counters, swifer, sweep, vacuum, mop floors, baseboards and throw out any old glasses, papers, magazines and more.


Get that favorite play list, blast it to all your favorite speakers and Sing! Make cleaning fun.

Create a steady cleaning schedule.

When you create a steady cleaning schedule, your Spring cleaning will go by a lot faster. You can even incorporate your family in the fun. There’s a planner that helps me with my daily cleaning. It’s call Passionate Penny Pincher Home Planner. It does cost around $40 but it is so worth it. I will put the link down below.

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