Health & Fitness Lifestyle Random Acts of Kindness

Oh Boy! Happy New Year’s ~ Here comes 2022!

January 1, 2022

I am just sitting here wondering what goals that I am going to set for the New Year. With the world still a little shut down because of the global pandemic, it’s hard to come up with a different list from years of past such as working on mental and physical health, finances, reading more and not losing my grace with people.

So, here is my list of resolutions for 2022. I am going to shake things up a bit. Wanna join me?

  1. Give one compliment a day to yourself and a random stranger.
  2. Go a whole day without checking your social media or emails.
  3. Clean out your car.
  4. Volunteer for an organization closest to your heart.
  5. Send handwritten letters to someone random.
  6. Wear sunscreen.
  7. Talk less, listen more.

So, cheers to the New Year and a new work in progress. Life is ever evolving but in order to change, you have to embrace the growth journey.

Let me know what to do’s you have in store for 2022. I would love to hear from you.



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