Health & Fitness

Self Care on the Best Day Ever, National Lazy Day!

August 10, 2022

Everybody has that day when you don’t want to do one freaking thing. You shift in and out of the sheets and struggle to put your feet on the floor to begin the day. I bet you would love to have August 10th be on the calendar today, tomorrow and the next day. Well, today is August 10th, a self-care type of day.

Reset yourself with doing your favorite things with or without someone. I prefer to do things like this alone. Honestly, I prefer being alone 90% of the time because there are too many people out there in the world. Another topic for another day.

Anyhoo! Here are some things that you might want to consider doing on your Lazy Day!

1. Sleep In  – Please do. Honestly, you might need to catch up on some well needed sleep.

2. Turn off the devices – or set up restrictions to those devices to allow you to truly disconnect. I know you want to do that one last email for work but do me a favor, just stop. It will be there tomorrow. I promise you that.

3. Netflix & Chill  – Relax, order takeout and watch some of your favorite movies or TV series with a friend or without. You don’t need anyone to really chill (lol).

At the end of the day, you know yourself better than anyone else. Feed your mind, body and spirit with good food and rest. Reminder, you don’t need a National Holiday like National Lazy Day to execute another lazy day. Your gut will tell you.

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